Comic focusing on the lyrics of "Handmade Heaven" from Marina's Love+Fear album.
I tried to stay loose for all of these; the project was less for presentation and more for bringing the thoughts in my head to life. I'm not experienced in comic paneling, so I chose a linear setup that would let me be more illustrative and focus on symbolism. One goal I kept in mind was separating refrains from verses visually. The alternating white/black backgrounds change to follow the moods of love and fear, respectively. A year later I changed 2 panels for flow; I wanted to edit some character design flaws, but if I re-do one, it's going to become a whole thing.
The premise follows two space beings (Xenes and Axion) who have great power but are unable to experience reality with the same sense of purpose as living things. Axion explores the connections that nature has with the cosmos, their home. Meanwhile, Xenes (the dark one with red) begins to see that they - and himself especially - will outlive everything as the seasons (stages of deep time) change.
The lyrics belong to Marina.