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Zeroth's Law

Welcome to Zeroth's Law: A universe much like ours where the laws of spacetime have something to say!

The Cast:


Young - in god terms - ZEROTH emerged in the current timeline about 1 billion years before the present day. He knows very little about himself and received a crash course on reality from two older beings, INTEGRA and NOVA.


Born to live to die, NOVA embodies the second law of thermodynamics and has adopted a nihilistic philosophy. She passes the time talking to stars and watching them die.


INTEGRA opened her eye at the beginning of the current timeline and has never closed it since. She resides in a supercluster of black holes and examines spacetime through her web of gravity in order to determine the fate of the universe.


Arguably the oldest being, AXION was present at the beginning of the current timeline, and those before, as were INTEGRA and NOVA. He manipulates dark matter and subatomic particles in order to study reality and answer the ultimate question: what is it to be?


Mysterious and elusive, XENES is the void before, between, and after everything: dark energy. However, he combats a greater mystery than his counterparts: love.

Part One - Catching Infinity

Catching Infinity is the prequel to Zeroth’s Law and sets up the universe(s) and some key characters.

Part 2: Zeroth's Law

Zeroth's Law is the "present-universe" story arc and involves a larger cast of characters; some old, some new!